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The USA allows toxic pesticides banned in other countries to be used in our schools, parks, homes, gardens, food…

In 2017 & 2018, the EPA registered more than 100 pesticides with ingredients widely considered to be dangerous.

Approximately 1/3 of the annual USA pesticide use, over 300 million pounds from 85 different pesticides, are from pesticides banned in the European Union.

Part 6 of the “EPA Exposed” series explores how the EPA hid dangers from the public and even its own staff. Reports on chemicals, including PFAS, that had “a substantial risk of injury to health or the environment" were never reviewed.
Click here for the article and the whole series

Click to see the State of the Air in your City, County or State. San Diego County gets an F in ozone and particulate matter.
Combining smog and soot, San Diego has the worst air in the nation according to CalPIRGs October report.
Click here for info


Team 1: Climate Action Plans, Renewable Energy, Sustainability


Team 2: Public Lands, Wildlife, Parks, Trees, Plants, Pollinators & Organic Gardens

Team 3: Clean Air Saves Lives

Team 4: Protect Clean Water. Water Is Life. No Drilling. No Fracking.

Please Click the Image for Team 4: No Fracking

Team 5: Stop Toxic Chemicals, PFAS, Lead, Synthetic Turf & Pesticides. Protect Healthy Soils & Food

Please Click the Image for Team 5: Dangers of Synthetic Turf

Stop Synthetic Turf Sign-On Letter

Click here to sign our letter to oppose the use of synthetic/artificial turf/plastic grass . Toxic chemicals, PFAS, lead and heavy metals have been found in synthetic turf.

Stop the Sale and Storage of Leaded Fuel Sign-On Letter

Click here to sign our letter of organizations and individuals calling for the immediate stop of the sale, use and storage of leaded aviation fuel and all leaded fuel.

  • Approximately 70% of airborne lead in the U.S. comes from piston-engine aircraft.  These aircraft are the largest remaining source of lead pollution in our air.

Team 6: Stop Plastics & Waste

Please Click the Image to for Team 6: Plastic Pollution

Racial, Social & Environmental Justice


Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home

An appeal from Pope Francis to every person living on this planet for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges.
